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Welcome to our Shark Development Program. Master the skills to work and interact with sharks professionally


The Shark Research Unit is proud of the support it can offer graduate and postgraduate students aiming to conduct novel shark research and compleate their academic studies on sharks in South Africa. 

The Graduate Support Program is designed to allow the SRU to offer logistical and academic support to select students enrolled in research based graduate or postgraduate programs. This page offers and overview, checklist and conditions for aspiring graduate students who are considering applying to conduct research with the Shark Research Unit.

The Shark Research Unit has a limited number of opportunities to support postgraduate and graduate students on their research programs. To help guide you on you mission to work with the SRU, we have prepared a quick checklist to determine your eligibility. Please note, that even if if you are eligible, SRU retains all rights to offer support to aspiring graduate students.

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The Shark Research Unit provides the below support for students in the graduate student program. Aspects not provided need to be sourced independently by the student or their academic institute. 


Duration of support offered is as followers: B.Sc. (Hons) = 1 month, M.Sc. = 1 year, Ph.D. = 2 years


Shared or dorm accommodation during your field research work


Standard three meals provided for duration of time at the SRI research facility

Office facilities

Office space, internet, printing and other required data and communication facilities that the SRU has on offer.

Boat time

An agreed amount (max 3 trips/week) of boat time to conduct research in coastal waters

Academic support

Expert guidence and academic support from resident scientists at the SRU. This may, or may not, include formal supervision of a project.

Research Logistics

SRU has a number of research facilities and logistics that are available for use by graduate students

Not Sponsored

Research Equipment

All specialised research equipment (exlcuding equipment the SRU has existing access to) must be secured independently.

Research running costs

All running expenses for the project, (excluding boat time), must be secured independently.

Living Grant

Personal bursaries to cover living expenses (excluding meals and accommodation) must be secured independently.

Internation / Local Transfers

Transport costs to and from the SRU research facilities must be sourced independently.

Travel and Medical Insurance

All graduate students must have independent travel and medical insurance.

Research permits / ethics clearance

Participants must apply and obtain research permissions and ethics clearances independently through their home academic institutes.

Personal Transport

Whilst at SRU facilities, graduates will need to arrange personal transport. This can be either by a personal vehicle or taxi


Participants will be required to cover costs for laundry services


Single Accommodation

If single private accommodation is required, an additional fee will be charged at the graduate students expense. 

Specialised meals

If a participant requires a specialised meal plan, an additional fee will be charged to cover its preparation. 

Your commitments

As part of joining our ‘Graduate Support Program, you will have to fulfill a number of commitments during your time on the program (this is for the duration of your research project and degree). This commitments include:

Monthly Reseach Vlog

Present a short 2 minute video on your research and research progress. Included in the video blog will be your work with interns, sharks, life at the shark research unit.

Online Teaching Lesson

Complete a 10 – 15 minute video presentation (and accompanying notes) outlining your research and taking the audience through the field research methods used to collect and process data. This video and notes will be used for online eLearning.

Intern Mentor

During your time at the Shark Research Unit, you will be required to have research interns accompany you on your field data collection trips. On these trips interns will assist in collecting data and you will be required to give guidance and instruction to interns as a mentor.

Cleaning and Maintainance

During your time at the Shark Research Unit, you will be required to dedicate time to cleaning and maintaining all research equipment, office and laboratories, SCUBA equipment, vehicles, vessels and other logistics used in the daily conducting of the Shark Units research and conservation projects.

Content Creation

Send daily updates, videos and photographs of your work (via whatsapp) for posting on the Shark Research Units social media accounts.

Follow Code of Conduct

The SRU welcomes students, interns and scientists from all over the world to use and enjoy our facilities. To ensure that everyone is respected and feels welcome, the SRU has a strict code of conduct that applies to everyone working, visiting or residing at the SRU. Review our code of conduct here


Apply to join our graduate support program and gain access to conducting research on South Africa’s shark species


Join our team as a research, conservation and education intern. 


The Shark Research Unit is a passionate research and conservation institute located in South Africa. Our core purpose is to conduct and support original shark research, conservation and education programs within our regions of priority.  We achieve these goals through stratigic partnerships with marine scientists, postgraduate students, ecotourism operations and academic institutes. 





  • 182 Aalwyn Way
  • Aalwyndal
  • Mossel Bay 6520
  • South Africa

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