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The Shark Research Unit’s dynamic Shark Development Program offers individuals from diverse backgrounds a unique opportunity to cultivate hands-on expertise for a fulfilling career centred around the study and interaction with tropical shark species. This comprehensive program encompasses a variety of essential skills tailored for engaging with remarkable creatures such as tiger sharks, blacktip sharks, and sand tiger (ragged-tooth) sharks.

As a pivotal member of the Shark Research Unit team, you will play a crucial role in driving our educational and conservation initiatives. Your contribution will be instrumental in sustaining the continuous triumph of our research projects, both on an individual species level and within the broader ecosystem context.

Beyond mere theory, program participants will actively engage in shark diving and snorkelling encounters with up to five distinct shark species. These immersive experiences take place in the pristine expanse of the Aliwal Shoal Marine Protected Area, a pivotal hub of marine biodiversity in South Africa.


The Shark Research Unit’s – Shark Development Program allows people from all walks of life to develop practical skills for a career working and interacting with tropical shark species, including tiger sharks, blacktip sharks and sand tiger (ragged-tooth) sharks.

Program Details

PROGRAM TYPE – Shark Development Program PROGRAM LOCATION – Scottburgh, South Africa PROGRAM FOCUS – Career training to work/dive professionally with tropical shark species

Program Highlights

Immerse yourself in captivating snorkelling expeditions exclusively focused on observing tiger and blacktip sharks (available seasonally) within the breathtaking expanse of Aliwal Shoal, South Africa. For those seeking a more profound encounter, our program also includes specialized SCUBA diving expeditions aimed at tracking sand tiger sharks, designed to enhance your understanding of both shark research and advanced diving techniques. Additionally, we extend our reach through impactful outreach expeditions to local schools and eager learners, fostering awareness and understanding of these incredible marine species.

Elasmobranch Assessment

We conduct elasmobranch assessments through SCUBA diving, focusing on sharks and rays. This includes species such as ragged-tooth sharks (Carcharias taurus), oceanic blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus), bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas), tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier), whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus), round ribbontail rays (Taeniurops meyeni), devil rays (Mobula spp.), spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari), and honeycomb rays (Himantura uarnak), among others

Testudine population assessment

We conduct assessments on marine turtles (Testudines) through fieldwork and observational studies. This includes species such as green turtles (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), among others.

Human Perception

Changing human perceptions of sharks is crucial for gaining widespread support for shark conservation efforts. Shark tourism has long been recognized as a powerful tool for driving this shift in perception. At the Shark Research Unit, we conduct and analyze surveys on public opinion to assess the impact of shark tourism on human attitudes towards sharks. Additionally, we identify effective communication and educational strategies that tourism operators can use to foster positive perception changes among shark diving and adventure tourists.

Meet Quinton

Meet Lucy

Duration and Price of Program

Participants will focus on practical work and can participate for a minimum period of two weeks and a maximum period of three months.

Like many training and experience-building programs, participation comes with costs. However, when boating and open-ocean data collection are integral to the experience, expenses increase significantly. All funds directly support the Shark Research Unit’s mission, meaning your involvement actively sustains the operations and initiatives of the research unit.


Cost of Program for you
Indicate which month you would be interested in starting your participation in 2025
Indicate which month you would be interested in starting your participation in 2026


The Shark Development Program warmly welcomes individuals from all walks of life who possess the passion and availability to forge a career centered around sharks within realms such as shark research, conservation, education, ecotourism, or media. SCUBA diving is a requirement during the Shark Development Program; however, you don’t need to be qualified before your arrival. All diving courses, including open-water certification and specialty courses, can be completed here through our partnership with an SSI diving center. These courses can be tailored and worked into your duration with us. While having an advanced open-water SCUBA certificate is strongly recommended, it can also be achieved during your time in the program.

Expedition numbers are estimates based on a 4-week participation period on the shark development program. The real expedition numbers will be proportional to how long you participate on the program. 


The program encompasses:

  • Comprehensive onsite expert training sessions.
  • Immersive tiger shark and blacktip shark snorkelling experiences, complemented by captivating SCUBA dives.
  • Dedicated SCUBA dives centred around sharks.
  • Engaging educational trips fostering learner awareness.
  • Comfortable dorm-style accommodations.
  • Internet access.
  • Airport shuttle services.
  • International Flights
  • Travel Insurance
  • Laundry
  • Weekend experiences
  • Additional drinks and food
  • Souvenirs
  • Single Accommodation (optional addon)
  • Food
Skills Development

Attending the Shark Development program is an investment in your career. No matter your current expertise, you will be working toward improving your employability by mastering new social skills, gaining further technical expertise, and potentially earning an additional qualification. We have helped many of our Alumni discover, move toward, and earn their own personal dream jobs, be in in shark research, ecotourism, underwater filmmaking or conservation. Our program includes introductory workshops, ongoing eLearning presentations, as well as on-the-ground support provided by our research team. 

Photographic Identification:

Learn various techniques and utilize specialized software programs to accurately identify individual sharks within a population. This includes capturing clear and valuable images for mark-recapture studies, as well as analysing and comparing identification features using advanced tools.

Education Officer

Build skills to become an effective communicator, educating and engaging divers during shark ecotourism expeditions. Share current research and conservation initiatives with local communities, resident divers, and international visitors drawn to Aliwal Shoal’s unique marine ecosystem.

Accommodation and full catering is offered throughout the duration of the Shark Development Program. Accommodation is typically in single-sex dorms; however, single-room accommodation is also available. 

Key Publications

The Shark Research Unit is dedicated to producing tangible scientific result. Be assured that your contribution to our research will benefit the understanding of South Africa’s shark populations.

Frequently Asked Questions
Visa's - Do I need one?

No. You will not be employed by the Shark Research Unit nor paid. On this internship you are entitled to enter on a temporary visitors permit (e.g. tourism permit). Tourist visiting visas are usually issued for three months/90 days upon entry in South Africa. However, we do recommend that you contact the South African Embassy or Consulate in your country and confirm this fact.  If you plan to travel in South Africa prior or after the course for a period extending 90 days, you will have to apply for a Volunteer VISA application through your home embassy. Quickly evaluate the visa status of your country when visiting South Africa here 

Medication - Can I get my meds?

South Africa is far removed from malaria-endemic areas, and there are no unusual diseases to be concerned about, provided you follow standard safety practices as you would anywhere in the world. Please ensure you bring all essential medications you may require during your stay. If you need additional medication while in South Africa, please contact us in advance to confirm its availability. Should you require a prescription or medical assistance, we will arrange an appointment with a doctor. Medications can then be collected from local pharmacies and dispensaries

Extra money - How much must I bring?

A lot of interns enjoy extra trips and tourism activities when time permits. We recommend you have around USD1000 extra per month if you wish to go on these. Please note you do not have to go on ANY of these extra trips. This is simply for your information should you wish to.

Arrivals - What happens when I arrive?

We are committed to providing each participant with unparalleled, 360-degree support from the moment you first reach out to the Shark Research Unit, throughout your program, and beyond, as you become a valued member of the SRU Alumni Team. As part of this commitment, one of our dedicated staff members will be there to meet you at King Shaka International Airport. To further streamline your arrival, we will set up a WhatsApp group to assist with managing airport pickups and to support you throughout your travel. Prior to your departure, we will confirm the details of your arrival and ensure that a staff member is present during your agreed-upon pick-up window. Look out for a friendly SRU team member, easily identifiable by their Shark Research Unit t-shirt and warm smile. From there, you’ll be transported directly to the SRU base to kick off your adventure and meet the rest of your team.

What do participants get out of the program?

The primary purpose of the program is to offer you extensive real world training and experience in driving shark research, conservation, education and ecotourism operations and campaigns. We believe that shark ecotourism operations also have a duty to drive education, conservation and research initiatives. As such, our participants drive many of these programs. So in addition to becoming an expert shark diver, many of your experiences will empower you in the fields of shark education, research and conservation.

When is the program and for how long?

Our program runs annually from February to December. Participants typically join for periods ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months. For stays longer than 3 months, a special visa for South Africa is required, so we limit participation to a maximum of 3 months. The program begins on the 1st of each month (Arrival Day) and concludes on the 28th of each month (Departure Day).

Packing - What must I bring?

If you are getting ready to pack, here is a rough packing list of items you should consider bringing. Clothing

  • Work clothes. Bring what you are comfortable in, but ensure that you have warm, strong work clothing of neutral colours, solid work shoes such as hiking boots or trainers, a good sun hat with a wide brim and a warm hat/beanie.
  • Social clothes. Scottburgh is a small town, so social clothing should reflect a casual, non-formal style. It is warm most of the time, but do bring a few rain jackets and jerseys for those odd cold and rainy days.
  • A swimming costume.

 Video and electronic gear You are more than welcome to bring any personal videography or photographic equipment, however, this is totally optional.  Miscellaneous 

  • Toiletries & strong sunscreen (there are also plenty of shops to purchase from).
  • Prescription medication.
  • Passport & photocopy of passport.
  • Bank cards (inform your bank of your travels).
  • Spare cash.
  • Phone & cables.
  • Laptop and hard drive


  • Accommodation address

34 Edgerton Street, Freeland Park Scottburgh 4180, South Africa

Insurance - Do I need extra insurance?

When you are accepted into this internship program, you will have to sign liability, copyright documents, as well an agreement that you are knowingly partaking in potentially dangerous activities. You will not be covered for accidents, breakages, theft or illnesses, so please do organize your own medical and travel insurances. Chances that you will be injured by a shark are very slim if you follow the safety guidelines, and do not try anything foolish of which we would not approve. However, you will be working in an ocean environment which can result in accidents. So, it is important to be covered in case of an emergency or accident. Be sure to have an insurance cover for your entire stay in Southern Africa. If participants cancel their booking less than one month before their intended start date, a full refund will not be possible. It is at our discretion to retain any payments already received. We recommend notifying us as soon as possible to discuss options.

Duration - How long can I participate?

Participants can participate for a minimum period of two weeks and a maximum period of three months.

Schedule - What do we do daily?

On the program, we are flexible with our daily activities, and the Shark Research Unit works out a daily program the night before – using the general schedule as a guide. This works great, as it is difficult to predict weather conditions many days in advance. We try to work 5 days a week (which often covers weekends) with a couple of days break during the week.

Do I need SCUBA qualification?

While having a SCUBA diving certificate is not a prerequisite, you will need to be able to dive. If you’re not yet certified, you can complete your SCUBA diving course with us. Many of our participants choose this time to get their SCUBA certification, as well as to enhance their diving skills. We offer a range of courses that can be incorporated into your time with us, allowing you to gain valuable qualifications and improve your diving abilities. To get the best experience we need you to be qualified to do deep dives (30 m / 90 feet )

What does my fee cover?
  • Research / conservation expeditions
  • eLearning courses
  • Practical training tuition 
  • Local transfers – Transfer to and from the airport to Blue Wilderness on arrival and departure (only on the 1st of each month)
  • Local transport – Every day transport from the Blue wilderness to launch site, or days activity location
  • Dorm accommodation – (2-4 students/room, gender separated).
  • Equipment – SCUBA and snorkelling equipment
  • Internet –  (10mb/sec speed)

Covid-19 Safety Protocols

For those joining the program in South Africa, we do not require any COVID-19 vaccinations or related documentation.

Is your dream to work with sharks?


The Shark Research Unit is a shark and marine research and conservation institute driven by a passionate team of shark experts. We are located in South Africa and work in two regions of priority – Aliwal Shoal and Mossel Bay. 

Our core purpose is to conduct and support original shark research, conservation and education programs through strategic partnerships with marine scientists, postgraduate students, ecotourism operators and academic institutes. 

Our focus extends to nurturing a new generation (of all ages) of shark scientists, professionals and enthusiasts. We achieve this through our great white shark research internship, learner outreach programs and expert guided shark edu-tours  



  • 182 Aalwyn Way
  • Aalwyndal
  • Mossel Bay 6520
  • South Africa


  • 34 Egerton Rd
  • Freeland Park
  • Schottburgh 4180
  • South Africa

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